Let Stan Lee Beware, I'm coming!

I can finally say for sure that I’m gonna make some real progress on my comic book or graphic novel that I decided to write in my first blog. Like I said, I’ve wanted to write a comic book/graphic novel of my own since I was a little man, so I’d write some of it down off and on. This includes pictures doodled in notebooks, scrapes of paper, or whatever. Now I’ve got a mound of yellowed papers, tattered notebooks and beer soaked drawings. What am I going to do with all this shit? Sitting here thinking about that question, I realize, that’s the question that’s kept from doing anything in the first place. Years spent thinking “what am I gonna do with all this shit”, or I can’t do this because it’s too complicated, I’m not smart enough. The fear of disappointment is huge, but not anymore, I’m going to un-complicate the shit this time.

Maybe this mid-life crisis thing can be used for something after all. I think that I have more determination now; at least I tend to stick with things until they’re finished nowadays. Not to mention my new desire not to die in obscurity. To that end, I should get a book on how to write, first in general, like one of the “For Dummies” books. Then I’ll read something more specific, like short stories, comics and graphic novels. Drawing is something that I do have a little talent for, and could definitely use some help improving in the area. I’ve never taken a writing or art class, I’ve always hated school, and I don’t like the idea of it now, I may be screwed. But I figure, with the story that I have in mind, it might just be enough just to get the idea on paper. No matter what I’ll do the best I can, put it out there despite the fears of rejection, and continue to dream of days where I collaborate with the greats.


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