Rant #2.1 Come back TV, I’m not through with you yet!

Don’t get any of my rants wrong, I’m not ranting about TV because I hate it, actually, I love TV. Like I wrote in my first blog about TV, I’ve been watching it since I opened my eyes. So I’m not ranting about TV itself, but what’s happening to it, what they’re doing to it isn’t right. Who in the hell came up with the idea of putting those little network identifying icons in the corner of every program. It’s not that is that distractive, but I’m sure it probably lead to the rest of the intruding animations, popups and screen candy of today. Which wouldn’t be anything to rant about if left at that? But then someone decided to push the picture up into a distorted box and run advertisements below it. Or they show schedules of upcoming shows that they’ll also squish up and run more adverts and schedules underneath.

Who wants to watch your favorite movie or TV show and have it flatten out just when the shows getting good. Right at that point when you can almost forget it’s TV. You don’t see them pushing up or distorting commercials. We pay to watch TV these days and when they interfere with the way we watch, or more to the point, how it looks and what wee see when we watch is cutting into our money. You don’t see them cutting into their money, the commercials, to show what’s coming on next. Now it understand that a lot of people leave the room when commercials come on, and the best time to get someone’s attention is during the show, while their watching, but that’s tough. We pay to watch uninterrupted, don’t we?

I also want to know what genius invented the animated popups that spring up from the bottom of the screen (or the side, top) and always at the wrong time. I’m talking about watching your favorite horror show on TV, and just when it’s getting good, and like I said earlier, you’ve almost forgotten its TV, two heads of the characters from another show popup from the bottom of the screen. And then begin acting as if they just discovered they’re inside the screen and don’t know they’re on TV, just to advertise their show changing networks.

It’s bad enough that we have to pay over a hundred dollars a month just to escape the real world for the brief moments we spend in our homes, and just when you use this expensive distraction, some network genius decides to destroy your well earned illusion. I don’t about you, but that bugs the hell out of me.

Well, gotta go, I’m watching my favorite sports show and it’s back on, and hey, the little feminine product dancing across the football play of the week says I can purchase it at my local general store. Great, nothing like feminine hygiene and football… sigh!


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