Finally Blogging in `09
I’ve been facing problems that have prevented me for keeping up with my blog. The biggest of these problems, until this year, has been making money, which has been a big problem for a lot of people not just me, but things are starting to turn around for the moment. Money is still a problem, it’s just that, another source has been established, for now.
The second thing to happen that was actually more than just a problem was the loss of a close family member, my cousin Dave. David “Cizar Soza” Hall was killed January 25, and it seems to have affected me more than I’d like to admit. I’m really gonna miss him, we spent many hours drinkin’ and smokin’ (Mary Jane), while discussing spiritual matters, music and art. He was as intelligent as he was talented and it’s too bad more of the world will never hear his music.
His ambition was one of the driving forces behind my own reach for something more out of life. I spent many days trying to catch up to his progress in his effort to fulfill his dreams, feeling like a slacker if I didn’t; now I feel by myself in this challenge. But I’m gonna keep on trying and pushing myself, he wouldn’t want me to stop now. And maybe someday I’ll achieve the dream for both of us.
He was gunned down early in his life, and like so many young black men in
I haven’t stopped working on my book, yet it’s been slow going, I’m finding it more difficult than I’d thought. I’m reading the books and gaining the knowledge, still, putting it all together is proving tricky. At least I’ve established a storyline, I know what the story is about, and it’s epic. But do I have the skills to write something that’s epic? Or is it epic at all, maybe it’s just long as hell?
Either way, I’ve put all the pieces together (the pieces of story I talked about in last years blog), and I almost have the storyline written out. I just need to put together an ending. I know I need a class or two, but I still hate the idea of going back to school. I think what I’ll do is see if I can afford an online class. I’m reading the books about writing so I hope that’ll be enough for now. Until next time, peace!