The Incredible Hulk Review.
First off let me say that I didn’t think there was anything too wrong with the first one, despite what others are saying, I liked it, although, it could have been better. For instance, the Hulk growing to fifteen feet was just ridiculous, and nothing like the comics. Other than that, oh, and the last fight scene, I found the movie good as hell. And I thought Eric Banna played a descent Bruce Banner. I also want to give a nod to Ang Lee, whose direction of the action sequences was top notch. In my humble opinion.
But now on to the new Hulk, the Incredible Hulk, which I have to admit, was a hell of a lot better than the first. I’ve seen every Marvel movie ever released, and I can say for certain that this was one of the best, yet. The action was fast and intense, made even more so by the seamless integration of live action and animation, which made it look very realistic, even believable. There were moments when you could almost believe there was a real Hulk actor out there. And the fight scenes with the Abomination are what really made it for me. I mean the Hulk movie without a fist fight with another powerful creature really ain’t a Hulk movie, something I think went wrong with the first one.
We were promised non stop, hold on to your seat, action, and for the most part they delivered. It started out slow, which is to be expected, but did we really need to see doc Banner taking martial arts lessons, isn’t he supposed to be gentle? I understand they wanted to show him using martial arts to control his anger, but he could have chosen yoga too, or some other less aggressive technique. Either way I didn’t need to see that until the TV series. The movie quickly picked up for a moment, still at the beginning, when they found poor Bruce and chased him until he, of course, Hulked out. But that was brief, good, but brief. And we were back watching ole Bruce wander and talk for the next half hour or more before the next bit of action.
That might not have been so bad if I hadn’t had to watch a man with no money, no passport, and no clothes, make it from South America to