Middle Ages

They say that forty is the new thirty. I say that's bullshit, forty is forty; there's nothing new about it. Not that I’m having a bad time, but I think I’m going through “the change” …not that change, the mid-life crisis thing. I know it’s happening because I think about death more and more, and when I do I get a sinking feeling in my stomach, that never happened before. It’s not the death thing that bothers me the most, it’s the fact that I didn’t do any of the things I set out to do as a child. I’ve heard many people (especially in the movies) in the mid-life thing say stuff like that, now I know what they mean.

When I was young I always wanted to write a graphic novel and write my own comic book, become another Stan Lee, or in my dream, better. I spent many a class period dreaming of far off worlds and being the hero of galactic battles. Drawing characters, weapons, and giant robots in the pages of my note books that were supposed to be for class notes. I can still see those images of powerful beings saving the world, though now there dim memories from the past, like a first toy, or a grade school friend.

And when I wasn’t dreaming up new imaginary places I thought of becoming a famous photographer. I am always amazed by photographs and the way they capture a moment in time forever. I dreamed of being a photojournalist traveling around the world telling the story of people I’d met along the way. The writing being equally as important as the photos, I wanted to dazzle readers with my words, so they could almost feel what I did. Even though I couldn’t spell for shit and knew little about grammar.

But maybe it’s too late for all that now. No. Hell no. It’s not too late, isn’t that what the middle age thing is for, completing what you’ve dreamed of, or starting something you’ve always wanted to do. Can my brain take on new knowledge? Can I learn after all this time? Is it even worth trying?


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